Don't open files, click on links or download programs sent by strangers
If you did not initiate any kind of log-in request with a website and you receive an email directing you to a website to log-in to get help, delete the email and do not click on any links. This is called phishing - a scam where phishers mimic emails and websites to capture a victim's log-in credentials. Read more about phishing.
Beware of impersonators contacting you. If there is any doubt, contact the person or company through their own website or phone number
Don't over-share on social networking sites
Keep up-to-date on anti-virus, anti-spyware, and firewall software for your computer
Consider encryption software or services
Get creative with passwords and keep them private
Tips for Protecting Your Credit Cards
Shield your credit cards from view
Total your receipts before signing
Do not leave empty spaces on your receipts where additional amounts can be added
Never sign blank receipts
Keep copies of your receipts and compare them with your statements each month
Tips for Protecting Your Bank Accounts
Never sign blank checks
Do not leave empty spaces on your checks where additional amounts can be added